Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Word Clouds

I haven't linked to the Word Cloud assignment yet, Blackboard seems to be down today, but I have surmised from other blogs what we need to do here.  Word Clouds take text that you can enter manually, or copy/paste from anywhere on your computer- web included, and create a collage of the most used words in the text.  I used Wordle to create mine.  I copied an article about 9-11 from a newspaper.  (Are there any copywrite issues there?)  Wordle is very easy to use.  The basics allow you to generally alter the arrangement of the words with the click of a button.  You may also choose color combinations to reflect the subject matter.  You do have many choice when it comes to font style.  Word Clouds are a unique way to summize the main points of a piece of text.  They can be used as an eyecatcher in presentations, or embeded into a blog or website to give a quick example of what lies within.  I also used Jing to capture the world cloud, saved it to My Computer, then added it to my blog.  This assignment covers NETS T 1 and 2.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Jing Graphic

Jing allows you to take screenshots, however small or large, and add your own creative or instructive aspect to them.  After you add information to the picture, through the aid of vast resources of editing material, you will receive a link to where your creation can be seen.  The advantage of Jing?  Having this link will allow you to share your creation on social networking sites that otherwise would not support this type of sharing. 
This is a screenshot of Google Earth.  I could use this to teach students how to use the viewing features.  Also, sending the view they have to a friend by using the "Link" button can be shown as well.


NETS T:  All parts of #3 are covered by this activity as well as  #2 A and B.  If we did this activity with students, #1 would be covered A through D.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Creating a Link in a Blog

This demonstration was very helpful as to how to create a link in our blog.  You can see the video at  I will use this in my elementary school to show the teachers how to complete this task.  Definitely #'s 2 and 3 in the NETS.  Specifically in the areas of design and modeling.

There.  That about says it all at this point.

Creating the picture in Picasso was easy at  Sending the picture by email, although it said you could, turned out to be problematic.  I had to save it to My Pictures and upload it from there.  As for the ISTE NETS T (which I now affectionately refer to as: NASTYS), something like this covers #'s 1, 2, and 3 in some manner.  I'm still not sure if we are addressing the assignment from the point of view of our work, or what this assignment would be if we assigned it, or if it makes a difference.
Picassohead could be a small enhancement to a class that is studying Picasso but most students would probably use it to make funnny faces and use it as a signature or post it on Facebook, etc.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Diigo II

My Diigo username is cfarnsworth.  Don't know for sure if I put that information here, but there it is.


What is a browser add-on?
Basically it's a shortcut to bookmark interesting things you find while online.
Thinkfinity has an add-on that allows you to add a site to your favorites on the Thinkfinity site with one click and adding a note.  I'm trying to stay away from add-ons.  If I added every add-on that was available to me my screen would be full and I'd have no room to browse.
ISTE NETS T: The closest standard to this assignment is- #3 Model Digital-Age Work and Learning.  This activity forces us to model the use of technology and work in the global society.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Blogging for 6305

I now have blogs everywhere as result of my job and classes I am taking.  I hope the doctor can give me something to cure my affliction.